15 Mar Angie Noll’s Goldman Sachs 10KSB Alumni Portrait
Angie is an alumnus of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 small business (10KSB) program, an investment to help small businesses grow and create jobs with access to education, capital, and business support services. She was recently featured in a 10KSB Alumni portrait. In it, she shared her experience with the program and advice for other small business owners. Keep reading for Angie Noll’s Goldman Sachs 10KSB Alumni Portrait.
Angie Noll’s 10KSB Alumni Portrait
10KSB Alumni Portraits are stories that inspire, educate, illustrate collaboration and prove the virtues of the 10KSB program. Each 10KSB Portrait is a testament to the diversity of industries in which 10KSB graduates are making their mark.
Angie Noll recently shared her story, citing the 10KSB program as instrumental in equipping her with the tools she needed to guide fellow small business owners through the pandemic.
“My journey through the 10KSB program gave me the confidence boost I needed to go out and be a gift to other small businesses in crisis during the pandemic. Our cohort graduated in December 2019, and just three short months later, we were all elbow-deep in business shutdowns and stay-at-home orders.”
Supporting clients through the pandemic
Founding owner and principal of Reconciled Solutions, Noll places emphasis on the groundwork that supports the holistic health of her clients so that they can build businesses that are harmonious with their lifestyle, sustainable for the future, and profitable.
“As a result of the education I received, I had the courage and stamina to go out and support our small biz clients as they applied for Disaster Relief Funding. Now, I am so proud to say that my company directly helped 77 small business owners secure over $17 million dollars in Disaster Relief Funding. Additionally, we indirectly supported countless others via our YouTube videos and email blasts. Our content helped clients understand the CARES Act and shared a message of visibility and clarity to your financials. Those were long, arduous days. My team and I were working nonstop to support our clients and our small biz community. It took lessons gained from 10KSB-determination, tenacity, and poise to support our community of small business owners. Not one of my clients went out of business due to lack of revenue – a testament to our diligence.”
Noll has been helping clients advance toward financial stability and order for over 13 years. Her team guides small businesses with profitability acceleration, scalability, accounting, bookkeeping, organization, process improvement, cash planning, technology improvement, and budgeting support.
Question & Answer
10KSB: If there is something you have to offer your fellow 10KSb business owners, what would that be?
Noll: I have a group coaching course called Startup Solutions & Profit First. Additionally, I offer a Free Profit Assessment.
10KSB: If there is something your fellow 10KSB business owners could offer you, what would that be?
Noll: I am relationship-driven. I am looking to partner with others who have similar skills. That includes efficiency planning, small biz sales, business coaching, and financial support.
Want to work with Angie and the Reconciled Solutions team? Get in touch!